Why You Shouldn’t Care What People Think About You

youer than you

Don’t worry about what people think.

They already know your worst. And they still like you anyways.

They see your weaknesses, your insecurities, your faults, your horrible problems…and they still care about you.

Some may not know your faults, but they will soon find out. Who knows, they may not like you because of it. It doesn’t matter. Your true friends still care, and they are still there for you.

This is why you should be yourself.

Now, let me clear. You should try to find others to emulate. Learn from other leaders who have found success. Just do it in your own way, in your own style.

Whatever made them great was done in their own style, just like your greatness will be found in your style.

Trying to be just like someone else will only result in failure. You are bound for your own destiny…not someone else’s.

We all are trying to find ourselves and our destiny. If we are so special and unique, why does it seem so hard to stand out? Honestly, I am trying to answer those questions in my life.

I care what people think. I am trying to figure myself out. I still don’t have all of the answers, however I have found three action steps that have helped me immensely on my journey of self-discovery.

1. Take ownership of your life. When you Live Your List you make an intentional decision to be responsible for your strengths and your weaknesses. You aren’t concerned with how others may perceive you because you know who you are, and you love who you are.

2. Write down a list of things you like about yourself. This step is easier for some than it is for others. Regardless, you must start writing down the things you appreciate about yourself. Start with anything, no matter how small and then build upon the list. Place it somewhere where you can see it for positive affirmation.

3. Surround yourself with people who like you. I am not advising you to find “yes-men” to kiss your tail. I am suggesting that you should avoid people who bring you down and don’t like who you are and surround yourself with people who do appreciate you.

Today you are you, that it is truer than true. There is no one alive who is you-er than you.

Question: What are three things you like about yourself? It seems crazy to post that stuff on a blog, but it really makes a difference. You can leave a comment posting below.

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